So its almost here- I'm getting on a plane and going back to Haiti in 5 days. Does time really fly by that fast? I don't think its really began to hit me yet that I'll be leaving the US and going back home soon. My whole time of being here in Florida, I have tried to keep the mindset of embracing each moment that I have here and not waste it on missing Haiti, which I so easily could have fallen in to doing. Don't get me wrong, I definitely had my moments of missing home, my kids and my family- But the Lord really placed it upon my heart to just keep my eyes on Him and the day before me and just LIVE in each moment. I once read a quote by Jim Elliot that said
"Wherever you are, be all there." That's what motivated me each day.
Now that its getting closer to going home, I'm slowly trying to switch into 'Haiti Mode.' I'm so excited to be going home and spending this holiday season with my HUGE family there. I know that it will be nothing less than beautiful.
My time here in Florida has been such a blessing and I will forever cherish the 5 months that I've had here. Being with my grandparents and just spending time with them has been wonderful- I've definitely learned a lot from them and I will forever be thankful for this time I got to spend with them. Love them so much.
So here it is guys, the start of a new chapter. I have no clue what this next year is going to bring, but I'm anticipating it, knowing that Jesus always has such an amazing, perfect plan. He is SO good and forever faithful. Thank YOU Lord! :)